#4 stop. Introspect. Get Better

 Hello there again, how many of you guys have heard about a YouTube channel 'vsauce'. I am big fan of that man's astonishing wisdom on different aspects of life, he always start his video with some random shit about science and then all the fun begins with his Signature saying "or what if it was not even that... ".

So where we were, certainly taking about that river, a mysterious river in somewhere around mid-east, that an unknown book claimed to insert life in already persisting life, and in the end of previous blog I left a clue to let you know what that can possibly meant, so I predict nobody intended to find it, well the clue was introspection of your ongoing life, the river has something in its fluid (not water) that brings life in your lost enthusiasm and self esteem, it heals your tired soul and bring zeal and help you find your sacred purpose despite you born in wrong planet for finding any (lol)... 

So guys that river is somewhere flowing in mid-east territory, the book I was told about earlier had no clue where to exactly find that so, my friend along with me decided to write a letter to the writer of that book to ask him where is that river? And what happened next is subjected to be the matter of our outing in next blog #4.

So far we at least know what elixir of life that river provided and it doesn't consists of water, and what actually inserting life in already persisting life could mean. 

And As always... be honest,to yourself no matter what the circumstances are.. :) 


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